Daily Archives: April 5, 2010

If These Clowns Just Called It “Abortion,” We’d Show Them Some Respect

Bold ours.

Toronto Star – “We now know that doubling current spending on women’s health—on family planning and pregnancy related care together—from the current $12-billion to $24 billion annually would reduce maternal deaths by 70 per cent, cut newborn deaths by nearly half and increase productivity and economic growth,” Obaid said.

Australia: Free Housing For Everybody

The Age – Under the charter, a person has the right ”not to have his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence unlawfully or arbitrarily interfered with”. Unlike private landlords and property owners, the Director of Housing is a public authority and is legally obliged to comply with the charter.

The charter provisions mean that even people living in public housing illegally may cite human rights concerns when challenging the government’s move to evict them.